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About the Candidate

Souheir Alawieh

2166 Loyola Avenue Unit 156 K1J8H5

Ottawa Ontario

Telephone : +514 627 6239








2004-2008                            PHD, Political Sciences

Paris Descartes University – Faculty of Law

–  Dissertation: Euro-Arab Relations Between Dialogue and         Partnership



1997–1999                            M.A, Diplomacy & International Affairs

La Sagesse University – Faculty of Law

Thesis: European -Mediterranean Relations


1990-1994                            B.A, Political & Administrative Sciences

Lebanese University-Faculty of Law




Professional Experience



2017 – March 2022        Lecturer

Lebanese University – Faculty of Pharmacy

–          Human Rights and Patients Rights course development and teaching

Patients rights Research supervision

–          Students ‘Thinking Groups supervision and direction

–          Drafted a proposal under the name of faculty of Pharmacy on curriculum development to ensure a unified and comprehensive approach to Human Rights at all faculties of the Lebanese University and the Patients Rights at Health Care Faculties.



2014 – 2021        Founder & Director

MADA for Studies & Development

Counselor in Human Rights

(accredited from Cairo Regional Centre for Training and Arbitration)

–          Conducting Studies in the following subjects: Medical Assistance for   reproduction – Abortion – Medical Errors – Rights of the transgender – Suicide – The Right to access to Medications – Rights of AIDS Patients – Palliative Care as a Patient’s Right – Human Trafficking – Unethical Human Experimentation – Organ Donation – Euthanasia – Medical Ethics- Rights of Refugees- Woman’s Rights – Child Labor.




2011 – March 2022           Fundraising Volunteer – Translator and Editor

SANAD the Home Hospice Organization of Lebanon

Identify fundraising & income generating projects and activities


–          Ensure proper and effective fundraising project planning and implementation

–           Network and mobilise human and financial resources to ensure sustainable support services deliver.

–           Translating, Editing and Proofreading Service.



Jammal Trust Bank – Head Office

Management of Branches

–          Following up matters relating to the branches.

–          Reporting on the branches’ advances to General Management rules & regulations.

Collection Department

–          Reviewing the bank debtor list, contacting customers & informing them of their overdue bills.

–          Advising customers on their payment options and methods of payments.

–          Writing final notice warnings & instituting legal actions when customers fail to pay their debts.

Risk Management Department

–          Identifying and assessing any potential risk in the bank activities.

–          Developing and executing plans to manage risk of potential losses.

–          Reviewing and reporting the practices of risk management on daily basis.


2020 – March 2022         Board Member

Academic Health Association AHA


–          Monitoring legal health issues related to Health and Dignity in Lebanon.

–          Working with the colleagues on plans and proposals to ensure better access of the patients to medical care, safety access to medications, improve the Health Care System.




–          Massoud, M.A., Mokbel, M. Alawieh, S. and Yassin, N. (2019) Towards Improved Governance for Sustainable Solid Waste Management: Centralized Vs Decentralized Approaches. Submitted for publication in Waste Management & Research Journal.


–          Massoud, M.A., Mokbel, M. Alawieh, S. (2018) Reframing Environmental Problems: Lessons from the Solid Waste Crisis in Lebanon. Submitted for publication in Journal of Materials Cycle and Waste Management.


–          Mula-Hussein L., Alawieh Jammal S., Othman Ahmed L., Al-Hayani F. (2019) Patients’ Rights as Part of Human Rights in the Arab World. Publisher Springer, Cham.







Oct.  2014   Euro-Mediterranean Dialogue in the Feminine I – Paris


(Member of the Organizing Committee at AFACOM)


Oct.  2018   Euro-Mediterranean Dialogue in the Feminine II – Paris


(Member of the Organizing Committee at AFACOM)









English – French – Arabic





Mrs. Lubna Izziddin – Founder and President of SANAD the Home Hospice Organization of  Lebanon .  Tel:  00961 3 451 774


Dr Zeina El Tibi – Executive Director – AFACOM (Association of Arab Women in Press and Communication). Tel:  +33 6 84 63 21 91


Dr Charles Saint-Prot –  General Director of OEG (Observatory of Geopolitical studies). Tel: +33 6 30 18 01 18


Dr Ismail Sukkarieh –Founder and Head of Academic Health Association AHA-

Tel: 00961 3 344 299








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