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Ottawa, Est de l'Ontario, Ontario, Canada
Member Since 2023

Neveen Mostafa

About the Candidate

                                                        Neveen Kamal Mostafa
                                                                     Ottawa, ON

Summary of Qualifications

·       B.A. in Political Science/M.A. in Teaching / Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics (Thesis topic: Women’s representation in Language textbooks – Comparative Analysis).

·       Outstanding research and computer background.

·       Experienced in preparing technical documents.

·       Authored articles for publications and presented at international academic conferences.

·       Trilingual (Arabic- English – French).



L’université Haute-Alsace, Mulhouse, France.                       Jan 2018 – graduation: July 2023
Ph.D. Candidate – Applied Linguistics

·       Conducted extensive comparative analysis of gender representation across the corpus.

·       Gained a foundation in sociology, politics, and linguistic theories by analyzing scholarly articles and analytical data.

·       Conducted literature review, developed hypotheses, and organized primary and secondary data.

·       Analyzed corpora through Critical Discourse Analysis, Discourse Analysis, and Content Analysis.

·       Evaluated coded data prior to entering it into databases and corrected all errors

·       Utilized Nvivo to analyze collected data from over 200 respondents, and other tools (SPSS, Excel) for quantitative data.

·       Recruited over 600 respondents, managed consents, and ensured adherence to ethical guidelines.

·       Presented findings and results in a variety of statistical analyses and infographics.

·       Shared best practices with colleagues using Venngage, Prezi, Canva, and other visual aids.


French University in Egypt                                                                          2014-2020

Teaching responsibilities

·       Designed and taught the following courses to meet ILO’s requirements to complete Licence Langues Etrangères Appliquées (LEA) under the supervision of partner University Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris III:

·       English for Academic Purposes;

–          Business Writing;

–          Language & British Civilization;

–          Language & American Civilization;

–          Story-telling and branding;

·       Designed and taught the following courses to meet ILO’s requirements to complete BSc National Institute of Applied Sciences (INSA) of Strasbourg

–          English for Specific Purposes for Engineering Students.

–          TOEIC Preparation courses, (Test of English for International Communication)


Admin Responsibilities
I.  Promotion and Marketing Tasks

·       Coordinated with admin officers, Deans, and other faculty members to plan/host annual Portes Ouvertes events.

·       Presented the Faculty’s joint degree programs to a variety of audiences.

·       Participated in recruitment booths at university fairs for in-person meetings with applicants.

·       Planned with team members and undergraduates for outdoor university recruitment events

·       Organized and presented at campus student orientation events

·       Coordinated guided tours on campus with other departments and faculty members


II. Educational and Cultural Events

·        Coordinated with faculty members & administrative staff to organize events including Presenting events, writing scripts, hiring camera crews, increasing attendance, and reducing costs by not using PR agencies.

·       Recruited event sponsors and aligned speakers for function presentations (Danone – Vodafone – Gas de France, etc.).

·       Conducted post-event evaluations to determine how future events could be improved and presented them in Faculty meetings.

·       Introduced a Student Talent Show segment in on-campus events that the Faculty later endorsed.



The British University in Egypt                                                                    2010-2011

Teaching Responsibilities

·       Delivered over 40 topics in various language courses.


Admin Responsibilities
Member of Teaching Resources Center

·       Researched and collected resources, activities, and assessment tools for various language courses.

·       Coordinated with faculty and staff on a range of academic programs and projects.

·       Supported teachers regarding



Misr International University                                                                       2006- 2010

Teaching Responsibilities

·         EAP Language Instructor

–          EAP courses in the Faculty of Pharmacy and Engineering.

–          Research skills and methodology


Admin Responsibilities

·       Interviewed students during the selection process.

·       Maintained confidential documents for applicants and data entry.

·       Held one-on-one meetings with parents and applicants for personalized inquiries.

·       Performed student recruitment presentations at secondary schools that frequently required traveling.



L’université Haute-Alsace, Mulhouse, France.                 Jan 2018 – graduation: July 2023
Faculté des Lettres, Langues et Science Humaines
– PhD

Thesis: The representation of women in language textbooks (Arabic, English, and French) in Egypt: Didactic and societal issues for the second century


Winona State University, MN, USA       May 2009
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)


The American University, Cairo, Egypt         June 2004
Major: Political Science
Minor: Economics.


Presentations & Publications

Accepted article: Neveen Kamal. (2023). Representation of gender interactions in language
textbooks in Egypt: Reinforcing dominant ideologies or a tool for a change? L’Université
de Lorraine.

Neveen Kamal. (2021). A two-pronged approach to adult’s foreign language acquisition: The
role of affective filters in a foreign language immersion context. A case study.  Dialogues
Mulhousiens, 5, 101-110.

Neveen Mostafa. (2019). Aligning first-year university students’ and educators’ expectations to
promote autonomy.  Dialogues Mulhousiens, 218-230.

Neveen Kamal. (2018, Nov. 15-17). The inhibiting effects of gender segregation in ESL
education [Conference presentation]. MELED 2018. St. Paul, MN, United States.


Jan 2018/ July 2023
Université de Strasbourg, France Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics
• Experienced in designing surveys and technical documents and visualizing data resultsclass managementCommunication skillsCultural awareness/ Human KnowledgeCurriculum critique & developmentExcellent presentation skills to a variety of audiencesinterview questionsLanguage teaching guided by second language acquisition theories.Lesson planningOrganized and able to prioritize work
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