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About the Candidate

·       Over 25 years of experience in teaching and research, including over 15 years of experience in team management  and over 5 years in quality assurance

·       Proven expertise in quantitative research; developing instructional designs, learning modules, multimedia presentations, student evaluation, and classroom management

·       Demonstrated ability to communicate effectively, assess academic programs as part of quality assurance, evaluate curricula, conduct qualitative research, and proficiency in MS Office


May 2002/ October 2005
Chulalongkorn University - Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Thailand Doctor of Philosophy in Social and Administrative Pharmacy

Drug Use Behavior, Pharmacoeconomics, Pharmacoepidemiology

June 2006/ April 2012
University of the Philippines - National Teacher Training Center for the Health Professions Master in Health Professions Education

Program Evaluation, Instructional Design, Curriculum Planning and Development, Student Selection

June 1995/ April 1999
University of the Philippines Master of Science in Pharmacy
June 1990/ April 1994
University of the Philippines Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy


November 1997/ present
University of the Philippines - College of Pharmacy Instructor, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Professor

• Developed instructional designs (which includes content, delivery, and evaluation) of university courses which provided guidance to lecturers/ instructors and students in the implementation of these courses.
• Crafted learning modules and multimedia presentations using videos, slideshows, and other technology in various courses which facilitated learning among students.
• Delivered lectures and facilitated classroom discussions, using clear communication channels which helped students achieve the desired learning outcomes of their courses.
• Evaluated students’ performance in classes using a variety of assessment methods and rubrics which demonstrated student learning and provided feedback on teaching approaches.
• Mentored undergraduate and graduate students in developing their research proposals which resulted in the successful implementation of their research projects.
• Collaborated with peers to enhance educational practices and cultivate engagement among faculty and staff which resulted in revisions in teaching-learning strategies and better learning experiences for students.
• Collaborated with multidisciplinary teams in 21 research projects on pharmacy education, pharmaceutical services, pharmaceutical supply chain, health policy, and natural products in the last 11 years which resulted in research publications, utility models, policy recommendations, and capacity-building strategies for specific groups in the public sector.
• Presented research reports at scientific conferences in pharmacy and education at national and international levels; this allowed sharing of research findings with fellow researchers, faculty, pharmacists, and students.
• Co-authored 33 research articles published in peer-reviewed national and international scientific journals which facilitated dissemination of research findings to a wider audience and personal advancement in the academic rank.
• Provided advice and recommendations pertaining to curriculum, approaches to training and education, student performance assessments, and outcomes monitoring to university officials and faculty members from Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, and the Philippines, serving as an assessor/accreditor of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) University Network Quality Assurance (AUN-QA) and the Philippine Accrediting Association of Schools, Colleges, and Universities (PAASCU).

July 2016/ June 2019
University of the Philippines - College of Pharmacy Dean

• Provided vision and dynamic leadership to the College of Pharmacy on teaching, research, and extension services which served as inspiration and motivation to faculty, students, and administrative personnel to achieve organizational and personal targets and goals.
• Mobilized a team of 26 faculty members in the revision of the two undergraduate academic programs which were successfully approved and implemented during the First Semester of the Academic Year 2018 – 2019.
• Ensured effective implementation of quality assurance mechanisms of the 2 academic programs through the institution of a Quality Assurance Committee and the allotment of a physical space which led to Levels 2 and 3 accreditation from an internationally recognized accrediting institution; this provides assurance that the College’ operations and quality of the programs and services are relevant, reflect high standards of excellence, and offered with integrity.
• Collaborated with a multidisciplinary team of 5 to secure funding worth $1.9 million for the establishment of the University of the Philippines Manila Drugs of Abuse Research Laboratory (UPDARL) through research and partnership with other institutions; UPDARL now currently offers testing services for determination of drugs of abuse in urine samples from select institutions in the Philippines.
• Established meaningful partnerships with government institutions and other organizations, which led to the conduct of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) training and workshops; this helped pharmacists gain CPD points for license renewal and served as income generating project of the College of Pharmacy.
• Co-chaired the organization of an international conference held in Manila, Philippines in December 2018 which was attended by more than 200 students, pharmacists, educators, and researchers from the Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Japan; this provided an avenue for sharing of research results and opportunities for networking and partnerships with other institutions for all participants.
• Advocated for initiatives that benefit faculty, administrative staff, and students such as awards, International Exchange Program for students, and forged partnerships with universities for faculty training and graduate education that resulted in the engagement of administrative staff to develop their own projects increased avenues to learning cultural competence for students, and increased professional development of faculty members

July 2010/ June 2016
University of the Philippines - College of Pharmacy College Secretary

• On behalf of the Dean, managed student and administrative affairs of the College such as student advising, selection, enrolment, scholarships, graduation, and student evaluation of teachers which ensured efficient management of these processes and prompt responses to student concerns.
• Initiated, conceptualized, and conducted the evaluation of the Master of Science in Pharmacy program, which served as evidence in the revision and institution of the 2 new graduate programs, one of which is approved for implementation during the First Semester of the Academic Year 2023-2024.
• Conceptualized and converted the paper-based Student Evaluation of Teachers (SET) to an online format which eliminated the need for data encoding and reduced the waiting time for the SET results among faculty members by 50%.
• Conducted the initial alumni tracking for the graduates of the College of Pharmacy which served as a template for the regular monitoring of graduates; this provided data on the employability of graduates that served as inputs in curricular improvements.
• Developed proposal for student selection of MS Pharmacy program which capitalized on areas for improvement of existing guidelines; this provided inputs to improve intake of students in the new graduate program offering to ensure that students selected to the program are the “right fit” and will successfully finish the program.
• Collaborated with fellow faculty members from different schools/ colleges in the university on the development of policies, guidelines, and standards pertaining to student admissions, scholarships, curricula, and teaching amongst others

June 2007/ June 2010
University of the Philippines - College of Pharmacy Department Chair

• Managed all administrative matters affecting the Department by employing organizational and planning skills which ensured the efficiency in the operations of the Department.
• Generated the teaching load of faculty members every semester and made sure that these are equitably distributed and given on time; this ensured that assignment of courses is based on specialization and faculty members are able to plan and prepare for their courses and maintained work-life balance.
• Ensured that facilities, reagents, and chemicals to be used by the Department are maintained and adequate which then allowed for the timely conduct of all laboratories and experiments of the students.
• Evaluated the performance of faculty members and administrative staff and recommended their appointment and promotion; this provided inputs to improve teaching-learning methodologies and laboratory services and serve as the basis for promotion and tenure.
• Led continuing professional development activities of the Department; this helped pharmacists gain CPD points for the renewal of licenses and served as income generating project for the Department of Pharmacy.

June 2006/ February 2010
Institute of Pharmaceutical Science, National Institutes of Health Director

• Re-structured the Institute’s organizational set-up to make it an independent entity from the UP College of Pharmacy which started the deliberate and conscious effort to establish the Institute.
• Initiated the offering of analytical services to serve as income generating project for the Institute to fund its operations; these services benefitted pharmaceutical companies and hospitals to ensure the quality of their medicines thereby also assuring patients quality of medicines procured from these institutions.
• Managed all administrative matters affecting the Institute which ensured efficient operations of the institute and prompt submission of reports.
• Collaborated with teams of 2 to 8 on five research projects on Human Resources for Health, Drug Security, and Health Policy; these projects resulted in publications and policy recommendations to the Philippine Department of Health.

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