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Ottawa, Eastern Ontario, Ontario, Canada
Member Since 2024

Lili Atala

About the Candidate

Lili Atala, Ph.D.

213 ½ Armstrong Street
Ottawa, Ontario K1Y 2W3

– 10-year experience in Translation History Research focusing on translation practices against the background of different social, political and economic contexts
– Knowledge of Excel database creation, data mining, correlation analysis, survey design, textual analysis, and archival research
– Excellent oral and written communication skills developed through graduate studies, presentations at international conferences, publications on academic journals, and university lecturing
– Experience managing social media content for professional associations
– Ability to work on independent and collaborative research projects
– Languages: English, Spanish, and intermediate French
– English-Spanish translation experience: Medicine, Pharmacology, Literature, Social Science Journal Papers, Museography, International Development
– Computer Skills: MS Office Suite and research databases in the Social Sciences and Humanities.

Ph.D. in Translation Studies
School of Translation and Interpretation, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario
M.A. in Translation
Centre for Linguistic and Literary Studies, El Colegio de México, Mexico City, Mexico
M.A. in Latin American Literary Theory and Criticism
Arts and Humanities Department, Universidad de las Américas Puebla, Puebla, Mexico
B.A. in Literature
Arts and Humanities Department, Universidad de las Américas Puebla, Puebla, Mexico

Doctoral thesis
University of Ottawa (2021)
Title: “Translations in Print and Many-headed hydras: A Study of Rewriting in Sepan Cuantos… (1959-2013)”
·      Quantitative and qualitative analysis of foreign author, work and genre selection within a 750-volume collection of literary classics.
·      Qualitative analysis of translator’s representation in the collection
·      Qualitative analysis of paratexts and translations against the background of publishing context and reading promotion policies in Mexico between 1959 and 2013.

Research assistant 
School of Translation and Interpretation, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario
September 2014 – April 2019
·    Collected translation data from Latin American book series of the 1940s and 1950s to study the influence of non-Spanish literary works in the region.
·    Created database of translators and translations of Brazilian, Canadian, Haitian and American literary texts published in Latin America between 1940 and 1950.
·    Carried out biographical research about translators of non-Spanish works in Panamerican and Latin American collections of classics to better understand the motivations and characteristics of the translations of certain works.
·    Co-wrote academic paper on translation practices in Colección Panamericana (Buenos Aires, 1945) aimed at understanding the role of Brazilian, Canadian, Haitian and American literature in the promotion of a Panamerican cultural identity in Latin America.

Research assistant
Centre for Linguistic and Literary Studies, El Colegio de México, Mexico City, Mexico
July 2013 – August 2014
·    Collected translation data from literary periodicals published between 1840 and 1940 to identify literary translations and translators.
·    Organized data in Excel database and consulted IT specialist about the migration of data into SQL database.
·    Collaborated with IT specialist in the design of the public, searchable database that was meant to result from the research project.

Associate professor (Translation Studies—Translation History)
Centre for Literary and Linguistic Studies, El Colegio de México, Mexico City, Mexico
August 2021 – October 2022

·    Prepared and delivered Methods in Translation History seminar to 10 students in Master in Translation program.
·    Conducted individual research project “Retranslating literary classics in 20th century Mexico”.
·    Supervised MA thesis:  Almada, Tanya, 2021, “The trajectory of The Well of Loneliness into the Spanish Speaking World”, El Colegio de México, México.
·    Evaluated two MA thesis in Translation Studies
·    Collaborated in drafting grant and project proposals within Translation Department
·    Participated in student selection process by marking admission exams and interviewing candidates

Part-time professor (Spanish-English Translation) 
School of Translation and Interpretation, University of Ottawa, Ottawa
2018 – 2023
·    Winter 2023
TRA 4104 Specialized Translation from Spanish into English
·    Winter 2023, 2022, 2021
TRA 4103 General Translation from Spanish into English
·    Fall 2022, 2021
TRA 4101 General Translation from Spanish into English
·    Fall 2018
TRA 4102 Translation from English to Spanish

“Translation’s odd bodies: the dictum of materiality in Sepan Cuantos…”, Material cultures of translation, 32nd annual conference of the Canadian Association for Translation Studies, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, 2019.
Book series as objects of study for translation history research: the case of Sepan Cuantos… (1959-2018)”, Translation in History / History in Translation, University of Vienna, Austria, 2017.
“A Mexican translation of Aristophanes: sociolect used for comedic effect”, Translation and Minority 2: Freedom and Difference, University of Ottawa, 2017.
“Language preservation through localisation: the terminological challenges of localising Mozilla Firefox into Mexican Indigenous Languages”, Current Developments in Terminology and Translation Technologies, University of Ottawa, 2015.

“Colección Panamericana, traducción peninsular: los polos de la representación y la inteligibilidad en un proyecto editorial” [Panamerican Collection, Peninsular translation: The Poles of Representation and Intelligibility in a Publishing Project], (co-authored with Prof. Clara Foz), Revue Meta, 64 (2), 2019, pp. 446-466.
“Balbino Dávalos” [Translator’s biography] in Francisco Lafarga and Luis Pegenaute (eds.). Diccionario histórico de la traducción en Hispanoamérica, Madrid: Iberoamericana / Vervuert, 2013.
“Enrique González Martínez” [Translator’s biography] in Francisco Lafarga and Luis Pegenaute (eds.). Diccionario histórico de la traducción en Hispanoamérica, Madrid: Iberoamericana / Vervuert, 2013.

International Admission Scholarship
University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario
2014 – 2018

CONACYT Grant for Doctoral Studies Abroad
Government of Mexico
2014 – 2019

President of the School of Translation and Interpretation Graduate Student Association
University of Ottawa, Ottawa
2018 – 2019
Member of the organization committee
Latin American Translation and Interpretation Studies Association conference, Zacatecas, Mexico
Social media manager
Latin American Translation and Interpretation Studies Association
2013 – 2016

References available upon request

critical thinkingEnglish-Spanish translationQuantitative and Qualitative data analysisSocial Sciences and Humanities ResearchWriting
Print Resume


