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Inayatullah Mujaddiddi Mujaddiddi

About the Candidate

Dr. Inayatullah Mujaddiddi

303 Amiens St Orleans ON, Canada K1E 1N3

Phone: 613.879.1722


LinkedIn: Dr. Inayatullah Mujaddiddi


January 2023



My name is Inayatullah Mujaddidi and I am pleased to introduce myself and submit my curriculum vitae to your organization. Given my academic accomplishments as a medical doctor, extensive global professional experience in developing and managing public health administration and humanitarian aid projects and driven interest in delivering critical and fundamental support for those most vulnerable and in need, I am interested in a position with your organization.

During my 17 years of extensive experience in program development, management, coordination, administration, operation and implementation, I have successfully created, oversaw, executed, monitored and evaluated numerous health, capacity building, income generating, vocational, gender equality/equity, women and youth empowerment, rehabilitation/reintegration, emergency preparedness/response/aid, outsource, humanitarian and commercial projects for various national and international organizations.

In my professional experience, I have acted in numerous senior positions such as Program Manager, Program/Country Coordinator, Cluster Manager, Operations Manager and Team Supervisor for several sectors and projects.

Currently, I am working as an Emergency Response Team (ERT) Supervisor with the Canadian Red Cross (CRC) and have been deployed by the CRC on several mass emergency responses to

Kelowna BC to support extreme weather and Flood Affected people, Manitoba Flood 22 Response and British Colombia Vaccination Support Program 2022/23.

During my career for various organizations due to my dedication and hard work, I achieved many accomplishments. For example, I was successfully able to expand project coverage from two provinces to 26 provinces out of 34 provinces in the country. I also made possible the increase of annual financial turnover of the organization from $70,000 US to

$8 Million US. However, my greater contribution was the development and implementation of access and increase in humanitarian aid, services and supports to vulnerable and disadvantaged populations especially women, girls and children.

In consideration of my professional background, accomplishments and aspirations, I welcome an in-person opportunity to further discuss my skills, qualifications and attributes to contribute to the success of your organization and the clients you serve.


coordinationGender improvementHealth AdministrationimplementationM&EManagementMedicalplanningPublic HealthSupervision
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