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Ottawa, ON
Member Since 2024

Gil Felipe Goncalves Miranda

About the Candidate

Personal Profile


Entomology researcher with over 10 years of experience managing projects in academia, public sector and non-profit organizations with a focus on biodiversity, sustainability and conservation.
Engaged employee with strong project management, administration and communication skills.
Critical thinker with research expertise in compiling information (from literature review, and web and database research) and subsequent analysis and synthesis (in reports/presentations and scientific publications).
Experienced in natural history museum collection curation, preparation, care, and databasing.
Experienced in macrophotography, focus stacking, and digital image processing.
Published 18 scientific articles and one book chapter; also have a few manuscripts in preparation.
Reviewed scientific manuscripts for several journals (e.g. Biodiversity Data Journal, PLOS ONE, Zookeys, Zootaxa).
Certifications: WHIMS2015, Emergency First Aid+CPR C+AED, Mental Health First Aid, Motivational Interviewing
Computer skills: Microsoft Office, Next GIS, Adobe Photoshop & Illustrator, CombineZ, Helicon Focus, Leica Automontage suite, Specify, Mesquite, Bioedit, MacClade, Winclada, Sequencher
Languages: Fluent in English and Portuguese and good conversational French


Professional Experience

Entomologist – Contract Oct/2023-Present

Canadian Wildlife Services, Environment and Climate Change Canada – Ottawa, ON

Creating a list of species of Diptera from the provinces of Manitoba and Saskatchewan; updating classification of previous list; assessing/reassessing conservation status of each species.


Post-doctoral fellow – Entomology research Jul/2023-Present

University of Ottawa – Ottawa, ON

Conducting field research on pollinators in rights-of-way land in Ontario, supervising students and technicians on mounting and preserving specimens, identifying species of flower flies (Syrphidae, Diptera) and bees (clade Antophila, Hymenoptera), script writing and performing statistical analyses in R, participating in academic meetings, maintaining laboratory equipment and vehicles.


Entomologist Jan-Jun/2023

Canadian Wildlife Federation – Ottawa, ON

Sorted insect specimens from the Saskatchewan prairies down to morphospecies and managed reports on project progress
Provided expert entomological input in several projects through participation in meetings and webinars; also provided text and live images of insects for presentations, reports and promotional material
Collected and identified species of flower flies (Syrphidae, Diptera) and bees (clade Antophila, Hymenoptera) in southern Ontario for ecological research and preserved, organized and databased specimens (through ArcGIS Survey123)
Conducted statistical analysis (paired t-test) of data, and wrote reports on organisms’ biology


Entomologist Jul-Dec/2022

Lyonia Biodiversity Consulting – Sackville, NB

Collected (net, LepiLED and UV traps) and identified species of Lepidoptera and Odonata for the biological survey of Mount Moriah Conservation Reserve (Ontario Parks)


Entomologist Jun-Oct/2021 & Jun-Oct/2022

Canadian Wildlife Federation – Ottawa, ON

Collected and identified species of flower flies (Syrphidae, Diptera) and bees (clade Antophila, Hymenoptera) in southern Ontario for ecological research and preserved, organized and databased specimens (through ArcGIS Survey123)
Conducted statistical analysis (ANOVA and clustering k-means) of data, and wrote reports on organisms’ biology


Park assistant manager – Biological Reserve 2018-2019

Instituto de Desenvolvimento Florestal e da Biodiversidade (IDEFLOR-Bio) – Santarém, PA, Brazil

Managed protected area for future preservation and sustainability by ensuring federal and state laws are adhered to by public/private individuals and organizations, monitoring for illegal activities, and directing researchers and scientists in proper practices.
Developed and implemented joint action plans related to Amazon Protection in cooperation with public sector agencies, NGOs and indigenous associations to advance multi-interest social and environmental projects.
Performed in-depth review significantly improving technical quality and clarity of information packages outlining environmental background and procedures for Amazon conservation initiatives for use by public, researchers, government and funding agencies employees.


Post-doctoral fellow – Entomology research 2012-2016

Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia (INPA) – Manaus, AM, Brazil

Conducted field and laboratory research in entomology (collecting, mounting, preserving specimens), drafted monthly reports, maintained laboratory equipment, published scientific research, supervised undergraduate students, prepared lectures, audio-visual and digital materials and laboratory courses.
Curated and databased the Syrphidae (Diptera) collection.


Entomology Consultant 2013

Museu da Amazônia (MUSA) – Manaus, AM, Brazil

As entomology expert for the public museum, provided instructions and trained park guides on insects and other invertebrates and acted as subject matter expert for staff and visitors.
Helped NGO develop a “live” museum through establishing an insectarium as well as rearing different invertebrates in the field.
Trained staff how to prepare audio-visuals to enhance the museum experience and designed invertebrate exhibitions targeted at visitors of the park.


Entomology Research 2012-Present

Independent work

Conducted field and laboratory research on insects, analyzed collected data, published scientific articles on my research and reviewed peer-reviewed manuscripts for several journals.
Coordinated a team agenda, gathered pinch points for scheduled meetings, collaborated in the search of solutions, and followed up with team members on their development towards goals.


Other Experiences

Volunteer – Imperiled Bombus Conservation task force Oct/2023-Present

North American Pollinator Protection Campaign – International remote work

Monthly meeting to address activities related to conservation of endangered Bombus species; drafting Requests for Proposals (RFP), reviewing proposals


Volunteer co-lead – Pollinator Health working group Jun/2023-Present

Urban Development Priority Sectors Initiative, Canadian Wildlife Services/ECCC – Ottawa, ON

Co-leading the search for pollinator targets to assess their conservation status in urban and peri-urban environments in Canada


Logistics associate Feb/2020-Jul/2021

Ottawa Organics – Ottawa, ON, Canada

Receiving deliveries, sorting produce, organizing and keeping track of inventory, delivery of baskets, processing invoices, updating orders, taking pictures of new products, adding products to website, cleaning the warehouse, organizing produce for donation, training new staff, supervising staff, ordering from suppliers, preparing baskets.


Volunteer Jan-Feb/2020

Natural Heritage Campus, Canadian Museum of Nature – Gatineau, QC

Sorting, mounting and databasing Coleoptera specimens.


Research Associate 2019-Present

Canadian Museum of Insects, Arachnids and Nematodes/AAFC – Ottawa, ON

Studied collection material by identifying, labeling, dissecting, imaging and databasing neotropical specimens.


Syrphidae Specialist 2018-Present

International Union for Conservation of Nature, Species Survival Commission – International

Compile information on species (e.g. biology, nomenclature, distribution), assess extinction risk, and upload data to the Species Information Service to contribute to the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.




PhD in Environmental Sciences – Insect Systematics and Taxonomy 2011

University of Guelph – Guelph, ON, Canada

MSc in Biological Sciences – Entomology 2005

Universidade Federal do Paraná – Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil

BSc in Biological Sciences 2003

Universidade Federal do Paraná – Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil

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