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Ottawa, Eastern Ontario, Ontario, Canada
Member Since 2023

Angelica Maria Estrada Pacheco

About the Candidate

Microbiologist with 6 years of experience, 3.5 years in wound healing research studies and 2.5 years in the superresolution microscopy field.
Background includes participation in ground-breaking research in the areas of metabolic memory, cell biology, oxidative stress balance in the cell, the effect of mechanical forces on the T cell activation (actin cytoskeleton) and generation of nanorulers for PFS calibration in 3D Single Molecule Localization Microscopy.
Highly trained running bioassays and working with lab animals (rat, mouse, rabbit) with observance of biosafety and Guidelines and Directions on the Use and Care of Laboratory Animals in Research.
Great team player, with excellent oral and written communication skills in English and Spanish.

AdobeBiosafety and biosecurityCadnanoCell cultureCellprofiler.CloningDNA and RNA extractionDNA origamiELISAFijiLab managementLuciferase AssayMicrobiology techniquesMicroManagerofficePCRProtoplast IsolationSMAPStatistical softwareSuperrresolution Microscopy
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