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Ottawa-Carleton District School Board

About the Company

The Ottawa-Carleton District School Board (OCDSB) is the largest school board in Eastern Ontario serving students within a 2,760 square kilometre area known as the city of Ottawa. We are the seventh largest board by school population in the province of Ontario. Our students are based out of 143 schools

– 113 elementary including two special education sites, 25 secondary including the Adult High School, and 5 secondary alternate sites.

We offer education for all, education for life at the OCDSB!

There are over 70,000 students in our District – each contributing their own talents, thoughts and creativity to our community of character.  The OCDSB has over 9,000 full-time and part-time staff. Inspiring learning and building citizenship requires dedicated employees who are on the front lines and behind the scenes of our schools. All of our employees are dedicated to student success.

We would like to acknowledge that our schools are on unceded Algonquin Territory, and thank the Algonquin Nation for hosting us on their land.

The Ottawa-Carleton District School Board is committed to equity for all students and staff and to delivering the highest quality education through a qualified workforce that reflects the diversity of the students and communities it serves.  The District seeks to be proactive in attracting Indigenous, Black and minoritized candidates.  Applicants who may require accommodations at any point in the selection process are invited to contact us at


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